Death on Spooner Street

On Sunday night at roughly 8:15 pm, America learned of a tragic death. A death that to this day, is being talked about all over the internet.

That’s right. I am talking about the untimely death of Brian Griffin. He was a beloved pet, an aspiring writer, and always knew when it was “peanut butter jelly time”.



Now personally my reaction was just, surprise. I’ve watched Family Guy on and off for the past few years, laughing at their humorous flashback comedic bits. Brian was not my favorite character no, but he was one of the few characters on the show who had character development while also forming real relationships with other members of the main cast.

Because he was a dog. The family dog, who took personification to new heights.

That is also why America is taking this death so harshly in my opinion. Everyone sympathises with a death of a family pet. But fans of the show are taking extreme measures to make sure their favorite pooch comes back to prime time. Only four days after the death of Brian 35,000 signatures have been collected in the hope that Seth Macfarlane (the creator of Family Guy) will bring him back. The petition states:

“Brian Griffin was an important part of our viewing experience. He added a witty and sophisticated element to the show. Family Guy and Fox Broadcasting will lose viewers if Brian Griffin is not brought back to the show.

The writers of family guy didn’t just kill off one of their creations, they killed off the dog who has lived in our homes for the last 15 years. They killed the dog we all have come to love. They killed America’s dog!”

The efforts of this petition are even getting national coverage. But is this what Macfarlane wanted all along? Why else would he kill off one of the core characters in his show? A character he voiced.

For the past three seasons, Family Guy has been dropping the the ratings. This season alone is down 19% compared to last years season, so far. So maybe this was his ploy of bringing attention back to his original success.

Or maybe it was just lazy writing.



Question: Is it possible to outgrow a nostalgic TV show?


Answer: I really hope so.


Seeing as I am an 18 year old girl, some people consider me an “adult”. But in all honesty I don’t feel like I’m an adult, but I also don’t think of myself as a “kid”.


I have a job, but I don’t pay taxes. I live on my own, in a college dorm with fifty other “adults” my age. I exercise and take care of my body, but I also think it’s a good idea to walk to dominos on a friday night (almost saturday morning) and eat half of a meat lovers pizza.


The other day I was done with my classes before noon, so I decided to go back to my dorm and catch up on some sleep. I walked into my room and out of the corner of my eye I see myself in the mirror. I don’t usually look in mirrors for more than a moment or glimpse, but my gaze lingered on this woman. I looked older, more mature more grow up then before. Laughing, I would pondered on the thought that maybe, just maybe I was becoming an adult. I was finally realizing that I was growing up. My laptop was resting on my bed but as I pulled my warm blanket over my body it shifted a bit. Quickly reaching out for my laptop I soon realized that It had no chance of falling off my bed as my fingers shifted to open up the oversized screen. I thought “Oh let me just check my email before I go to bed”.




Mistakes were made.


As my screen came to life I was soon brought back to my harsh reality. I am no where near being an adult.


All my screen showed was the latest episode of Degrassi.



Because the day before I had watched four episodes.


Staring at the screen, fitting the nostalgic lump forming in my throat I wondered why. Why does liking something that is thought of as immature make you an immature person? Sure it’s dumb, but if I find entertainment in watching a canadian made pre teen drama, why does that make me a kid? I shouldn’t have to let go of something that reminds me of the past. So I gave into the nostalgic lump and pressed play while I whispered:


“Whatever it takes, I know I can make it through”




More Odd Than Me

For some odd reason I thought that when I went to a college, in a different state keep in mind, I would stop meeting people who I just can not explain to anyone.

Yes, I am aware that I myself am hard to describe. When people do try and describe me some of the most common adjectives include “quirky”, “special”, or “….different”. But, If I see someone and think to myself “but….what are you doing? just…no. stop. please.” then there is a serious problem.

Scene: It’s roughly 8 am on a Tuesday morning, cloudier and a little colder than it had been the past few days. As a part of my morning routine after showering, and putting on clothes, I walk down the hall of my dorm towards our kitchenette to brush my teeth.

It’s a nice few minutes to myself before the day starts. No one is ever using the kitchen that early in the morning, so it’s always empty. I lean against the sturdy window sill and stare out at the beautiful campus as a single tear rolls down my face because my classes are so far from my dorm.

Toothbrush in one hand, toothpaste in the other I began moving towards the kitchenette. But something, was off. The door was closed. The door was never closed to my morning oasis. Staring and contemplating at this strange enigma, I decided that maybe someone had simply closed it the night before after some late night cooking. Tentatively, I reached towards the doorknob and slowing opened the door. A light peaked through, surprising me only slightly compared to the surprise I saw only moments later.

A quiet boy. A boy that lives on my floor and hardly ever left his room was perched on my sturdy window sill. He was wrapped in a dorm bed sized comforter, his gaze piercing all while eating ‘Chicken in a Biskit’.


family size? more like i’m still FAMIshed size? AMIRIGHT??

“…Hi?” I managed to mutter after processing for a few moments. But nothing. He said nothing. He just kept staring, and I found that I also couldn’t look away. I inched toward the sink to prepare my toothbrush all while holding eye contact with the ‘Chicken in a Biskit’ muncher. To make the situation a little less weird for the both of us I walked back out of the kitchenette, closing the door behind me.

Confused. I began to brush my teeth in the hallway. A moment later I noticed my friend Emily walking towards me, also confused, but as to why I was brushing my teeth in the hallway. I began telling her what I had just walked in on when all of a sudden the door rushed open, almost as quickly as the boy ran past us, his box of nearly empty “Chicken in a Biskit” rustling louder than his comforter dragging behind him. After looking at me and back at him, Emily looked tired and unphased whispering something about it being too early as she walked back into her room.

I managed to recap the entire tale to my roommate and she seemed even more confused than I was, I remember she wondered what would motivate him to be there. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe no one is really odd, maybe it’s just the motivation. A simple motive, can say a lot. And it can also do a lot. It can sculpt how a person is viewed by an individual, or even society. So what do I think motivated this boy? Well it’s obvious isn’t it?

It was the ‘Chicken in a Biskit’

It’s truly the root of this whole story.


PS wanna hear more reasons as to why my life is in shambles? WELL THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER BY CLICKING HERE.