Why I am an Awful Person (Part 3)

Humans are hypocrites. This is something that I have learned to accept in my 18 years on this planet. However, I try every day to not be a hypocrite. For some reason I think to myself “Yeah…Yeah I am above all other humans I bet so I’m sure that I will never be a hypocrite.”


But I was wrong. I was so wrong.


Every time I hear a cracked bone I wince, shake, flinch, and maybe even cry a little. I react so poorly to hearing knuckles, necks, backs, or whatever body part being cracked that whenever someone sees my reaction they either just laugh or apologize.



Someone about the sound just makes me gag. It just doesn’t seem natural to me and for the longest time I never understood why people cracked their bones.


That is, until I cracked my knuckles for the first time.


The first time I cracked my knuckles intentionally was during my German class in my sophomore year of high school:


Scene: Poof is sitting in the center of the room next to her desk partner, bored and slightly irritated for no reason.


Desk partner: *crack*


Poof: “oh no…”


Desk partner: *CRACK*


Poof: *shakes and winces*






Desk partner: “what?”




Desk partner: “wait have you never cracked your knuckles before…?”




Desk partner: “the entire room can hear you, but seriously just try it…it’s great you’ll love it”


Looking back now I realize that in highschool I was only peer pressured to do one thing: crack my knuckles. And to this day I regret that decision.






It is one of the best and worst experiences that I now subconsciously deal with on a daily basis. Every time I crack my knuckles I feel powerful and free as a smile enlightens my face. But in that same moment my ears cringe, and my body shakes as I realize that now I am the cause for the repulsive noise.


My life is really difficult.




Poofs Favorite Things: 2013 Edition

Another year has gone by and wow, what a…strange year it has been. There were ups, and yes there were downs but overall this will be a year that I will never forget.


And after 2013, I don’t think pop culture will ever be the same again. What with Justin Bieber becoming one of Americas most hated teen stars to seeing basically everyone in the world make “Harlem Shake” videos. But through all of the poorly handled scandals and misconceptions that happened in 2013, there were some really great moments. Movies were bigger, music was better, and Kanye West said less things to embarrass himself and his selfless wife Kim Kardashian. Here are some of my personal favorites from 2013:


Favorite TV Shows:




Seeing as I am a Tumblr addict, it was only a matter of time before I watched Hannibal. I watched the show’s first, and only season over the summer and instantly hungered for more. Hannibal centers around the budding relationship between Will Graham, a FBI special investigator and forensic psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter.


Spoiler alert: Hannibal’s a cannibal. WOAH.


Much to NBC’s surprise, critics loved Hannibal as much as the shows cult like fan base. Hannibal was renewed for a second season which will premiere on February 28, 2014.


Orange is the New Black


If Netflix wasn’t already my soul mate, they sure proved it with this winner. Orange is the New Black centers around Piper Chapman, a woman who is sentenced to 15 months in a women’s federal prison after authorities found out that she transported a suitcase full of drug money to her ex girlfriend. However she committed this crime, 10 years ago. Before her sentence began she had been living a quiet lifestyle in the upper middle class in New York City.



Fortunately this innovative dark comedy does not center around Chapman, in fact she will hardly be in the the next season. Orange is the New Black has one of the best ensemble casts since the early days of the Office in my opinion. In one season you are exposed to so many riveting back stories and character developments that you will find yourself counting down for the second season that is scheduled to air sometime in 2014. I highly recommend giving this show a chance.


Favorite Albums:


Lorde “Pure Heroine”


I have been listening to Lorde since she released her first EP in late 2012, and needless to say I had high hopes when I heard she was releasing a full length album in 2013.


And my expectations were reached.


Lorde didn’t change her style of songwriting from The Love Club to Pure Heroine which is rare for modern artists today. Her combination of surprisingly mature vocals and sobering lyrics is refreshing. The non-conforming alternative artist is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with as Pure Heroine is nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album at the Grammys in 2014.


My personal favorite songs on the album are “White Teeth Teens” and “Tennis Court”.


The Front Bottoms “Talon of The Hawk”


This is the Front Bottoms fourth studio album, and their best yet in my opinion. There is something about the album that stands out. Actually I am listening to it right now as I type this abridged review. When I listen to this album I am feeling everything all at once. I’m content, happy, lonely, sad, and most of all I’m comforted.


If you like albums with lyrical wit and an alternative sound, you will at the bare minimum like this album. My favorite songs on the album include: “Twin Sized Mattress”, “Au Revoir”, and “Skeleton”.


Miley Cyrus “Bangerz”


Ok hear me out. I used to HATE Miley Cyrus back in her Hannah Montana days. I thought she was just another untalented Disney starlet who was crafted into being not only the star of one of their sitcoms, but also a budding pop star with a squeaky clean image.


But boy did Miley Cyrus send her wrecking ball straight through my heart in 2013


SwEeT nIbLeTz

Everything she did was hilarious, fierce, and flawless. From her trademark haircut to her infamous award show performances. On top of all of her shenanigans, she also managed to produce Bangerz, her fourth studio album. The album included her hit singles “We Can’t Stop” and “Wrecking Ball”. But what made the album stand out was her incredible musical range. My favorite songs on the album had to be “#GETITRIGHT” and “Adore You”.


Favorite Movies:


Monsters University


I’ve grown a little bit skeptical of Pixar sequels ever since I saw the monstrosity that was Cars 2, but fortunately Monsters University had the charm and wit that Pixar does best. What made this movie work in my opinion, is that the audience gets to see how the Mike and Sully become the loveable monsters that we welcomed into our families a decade ago. Also, Monsters University showcases a lot of new characters and personalities that the audience can find solace in.


Insidious 2


This was the best horror movie produced in 2013 by far, because quite frankly it had a storyline that wasn’t totally predictable. Do you have to see the first one? No. No you don’t.


So there are a few of my favorite things from 2013! I’m going to have another post in a few weeks about the end of 2013, I think it will be worth the wait.


What were some of your favorite things that 2013 brought you?


See you guys…..NEXT YEAR. HA. HAHA. ha.


Christmas is Gross

Question: Can people change?


Answer: Yes.


Tomorrow is going to be my eighteenth Christmas on this planet and something that I have noticed about Christmas is that every year I celebrate it, I hate it a little bit more. Typically, over time I start to just feel indifferent about holidays, but that’s not the case with Christmas because, for some reason a genuine animosity continues to boil deep inside of me until my favorite holiday: Boxing day.


As a kid I used to love Christmas. To be honest, what kid doesn’t? There are presents with shiny paper everywhere, sweets that filled your dentists wallets, and a certain naive spirit that is truly inspirational. Christmas has become extremely correlated with innocence. It seems that the less you know about the world, the more you will love Christmas in every aspect. I’m not just being a cynic here, aging makes people change their views on Christmas.






As viewed by a college student: “seeing as I am already thousands of dollars in debt, I guess I’m going to have to give my friends and family the same present I gave them last year, my presence.”


As viewed by an adult: “Ok. Ok we got to stay practical this year and not go over budget.” *gets credit card bill* “bah humbug”






As viewed by a college student: “real food is cool, but i’m really worried about gaining the freshman 15 so i can only have one cookie.”


As viewed by an adult: “I have to cook HOW much food??” *gets credit card bill* “bah humbug”


Time of the Year:




As viewed by a college student: “HOW MANY FINALS DO I HAVE??? HOW MANY PROJECTS ARE DUE??? GRADES??????”


As viewed by an adult: “HOW. MANY. DEADLINES. BAH HUMBUG.”






As viewed by a college student: “lol what money.”


As viewed by an adult: *whips tears with last dollar bill as she pays her credit card bill* “oh neat a christmas bonus. neat.”


Family Gatherings:




As viewed by a college student: “i swear if anyone asks me about school/friends/my non existent boyfriend i will break out in hives.”


As viewed by an adult: “As long as I keep smile it will seem like everything is fine and nothing will hurt and these people will get out of my house.”


This brings me back to my original question: Can people change? By using Christmas we can see that it’s impossible to compare peoples views from when they are eight, to when they are eighteen, to when they are twenty-eight. An eight-year-old is going to view things differently than an adult. It’s obvious. So why can’t someone change year after year?


However, I do know some adults who still see Christmas as innocently as a child. And I can easily say that I am very jealous and inspired by these people. Even if they come off as a little off and typically see me as a Grinch.


Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone and an even Merrier Boxing Day.




Promoting Passions: Poetic Rhymes

Before I went to college, I was told that one of the most important things I would be exposed to was: networking. All of my teachers, coaches, and advisors told me that networking was key to having a successful future in your career. And for the most part, people make networking pretty easy at college. There are clubs for almost any major, internships and jobs available to students, and professors who have had experience working in your desired field.


But what are you supposed to do if you want to network and put your own work out there if it’s not in your field? If you are an artist that’s going into engineering, or a writer that’s going into teaching, how do you promote your own work? It seems like the hardest part is finding somewhere to start.


And we are starting here.


During the beginning of the school year I made a new friend, and we are both in the college of design. He is working on becoming an architect, but at the same time has released a collaborative mixtape under the name John Doe with his musical partner Phresh Prince. The mixtape is called Poetic Rhymes and helps tell the artists stories through poetry and hip-hop about their African roots as they live in Dallas, Texas. Recently I asked “John Doe” some questions about the Poetic Rhymes:


1) Though it is a basic question I feel like I should ask, why music?


Music transcends through all. Music is such a powerful source of information and culture. I love music because music will always be here. Things come and go but music is one thing that is forever inexhaustible. There is not a single person I’ve met that does not like music. Most importantly music has the ability to change and convey so many emotions, it’s a wonderful thing.


2) What artists have inspired your music?


Artists such as Andre 3000 & Outkast, Kanye West, Florence & The Machine, Of Monsters and Men, 2Pac, Bob Marley, Kid Cudi. I could literally go on for hours.


3) Would you consider making music as a career?


I would definitely consider making music as a career. It brings people such happiness, and I feel as if musicians are the voice of the people.


4) What is your favorite track off of Poetic Rhymes and why?


I have several favorite tracks from “Poetic Rhymes” but if I had to choose one it would be the final track, “Running Wild”. I like Running wild because it was the first time me and my compadre Phresh Prince really dedicated a whole song on our African roots. We really wanted to tell a story of our hardships and our hopes and dreams from young African teens’ perspectives.  


My personal favorite track is “Walking on the Moon”, but overall the album is worth a listen. The intros of these songs are all different then anything that is currently being produced in modern music, and that’s what sets Poetic Rhymes apart. The lyrics are genuine and tell their story elegantly while still being catchy. If you want to listen to Poetic Rhymes yourself, here is a link to the mixtape with a free download option


Want your passion to be promoted on Heypoofy.wordpress.com? Contact me on twitter or email me at: heypoofy@yahoo.com




Death on Spooner Street

On Sunday night at roughly 8:15 pm, America learned of a tragic death. A death that to this day, is being talked about all over the internet.

That’s right. I am talking about the untimely death of Brian Griffin. He was a beloved pet, an aspiring writer, and always knew when it was “peanut butter jelly time”.



Now personally my reaction was just, surprise. I’ve watched Family Guy on and off for the past few years, laughing at their humorous flashback comedic bits. Brian was not my favorite character no, but he was one of the few characters on the show who had character development while also forming real relationships with other members of the main cast.

Because he was a dog. The family dog, who took personification to new heights.

That is also why America is taking this death so harshly in my opinion. Everyone sympathises with a death of a family pet. But fans of the show are taking extreme measures to make sure their favorite pooch comes back to prime time. Only four days after the death of Brian 35,000 signatures have been collected in the hope that Seth Macfarlane (the creator of Family Guy) will bring him back. The petition states:

“Brian Griffin was an important part of our viewing experience. He added a witty and sophisticated element to the show. Family Guy and Fox Broadcasting will lose viewers if Brian Griffin is not brought back to the show.

The writers of family guy didn’t just kill off one of their creations, they killed off the dog who has lived in our homes for the last 15 years. They killed the dog we all have come to love. They killed America’s dog!”

The efforts of this petition are even getting national coverage. But is this what Macfarlane wanted all along? Why else would he kill off one of the core characters in his show? A character he voiced.

For the past three seasons, Family Guy has been dropping the the ratings. This season alone is down 19% compared to last years season, so far. So maybe this was his ploy of bringing attention back to his original success.

Or maybe it was just lazy writing.



Question: Is it possible to outgrow a nostalgic TV show?


Answer: I really hope so.


Seeing as I am an 18 year old girl, some people consider me an “adult”. But in all honesty I don’t feel like I’m an adult, but I also don’t think of myself as a “kid”.


I have a job, but I don’t pay taxes. I live on my own, in a college dorm with fifty other “adults” my age. I exercise and take care of my body, but I also think it’s a good idea to walk to dominos on a friday night (almost saturday morning) and eat half of a meat lovers pizza.


The other day I was done with my classes before noon, so I decided to go back to my dorm and catch up on some sleep. I walked into my room and out of the corner of my eye I see myself in the mirror. I don’t usually look in mirrors for more than a moment or glimpse, but my gaze lingered on this woman. I looked older, more mature more grow up then before. Laughing, I would pondered on the thought that maybe, just maybe I was becoming an adult. I was finally realizing that I was growing up. My laptop was resting on my bed but as I pulled my warm blanket over my body it shifted a bit. Quickly reaching out for my laptop I soon realized that It had no chance of falling off my bed as my fingers shifted to open up the oversized screen. I thought “Oh let me just check my email before I go to bed”.




Mistakes were made.


As my screen came to life I was soon brought back to my harsh reality. I am no where near being an adult.


All my screen showed was the latest episode of Degrassi.



Because the day before I had watched four episodes.


Staring at the screen, fitting the nostalgic lump forming in my throat I wondered why. Why does liking something that is thought of as immature make you an immature person? Sure it’s dumb, but if I find entertainment in watching a canadian made pre teen drama, why does that make me a kid? I shouldn’t have to let go of something that reminds me of the past. So I gave into the nostalgic lump and pressed play while I whispered:


“Whatever it takes, I know I can make it through”




More Odd Than Me

For some odd reason I thought that when I went to a college, in a different state keep in mind, I would stop meeting people who I just can not explain to anyone.

Yes, I am aware that I myself am hard to describe. When people do try and describe me some of the most common adjectives include “quirky”, “special”, or “….different”. But, If I see someone and think to myself “but….what are you doing? just…no. stop. please.” then there is a serious problem.

Scene: It’s roughly 8 am on a Tuesday morning, cloudier and a little colder than it had been the past few days. As a part of my morning routine after showering, and putting on clothes, I walk down the hall of my dorm towards our kitchenette to brush my teeth.

It’s a nice few minutes to myself before the day starts. No one is ever using the kitchen that early in the morning, so it’s always empty. I lean against the sturdy window sill and stare out at the beautiful campus as a single tear rolls down my face because my classes are so far from my dorm.

Toothbrush in one hand, toothpaste in the other I began moving towards the kitchenette. But something, was off. The door was closed. The door was never closed to my morning oasis. Staring and contemplating at this strange enigma, I decided that maybe someone had simply closed it the night before after some late night cooking. Tentatively, I reached towards the doorknob and slowing opened the door. A light peaked through, surprising me only slightly compared to the surprise I saw only moments later.

A quiet boy. A boy that lives on my floor and hardly ever left his room was perched on my sturdy window sill. He was wrapped in a dorm bed sized comforter, his gaze piercing all while eating ‘Chicken in a Biskit’.


family size? more like i’m still FAMIshed size? AMIRIGHT??

“…Hi?” I managed to mutter after processing for a few moments. But nothing. He said nothing. He just kept staring, and I found that I also couldn’t look away. I inched toward the sink to prepare my toothbrush all while holding eye contact with the ‘Chicken in a Biskit’ muncher. To make the situation a little less weird for the both of us I walked back out of the kitchenette, closing the door behind me.

Confused. I began to brush my teeth in the hallway. A moment later I noticed my friend Emily walking towards me, also confused, but as to why I was brushing my teeth in the hallway. I began telling her what I had just walked in on when all of a sudden the door rushed open, almost as quickly as the boy ran past us, his box of nearly empty “Chicken in a Biskit” rustling louder than his comforter dragging behind him. After looking at me and back at him, Emily looked tired and unphased whispering something about it being too early as she walked back into her room.

I managed to recap the entire tale to my roommate and she seemed even more confused than I was, I remember she wondered what would motivate him to be there. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe no one is really odd, maybe it’s just the motivation. A simple motive, can say a lot. And it can also do a lot. It can sculpt how a person is viewed by an individual, or even society. So what do I think motivated this boy? Well it’s obvious isn’t it?

It was the ‘Chicken in a Biskit’

It’s truly the root of this whole story.


PS wanna hear more reasons as to why my life is in shambles? WELL THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER BY CLICKING HERE.

Dorm Life Surprises

To quote Demi Lovato: “So far, so great.”


Yes I just opened a blog post quoting the theme song from the hit Disney Channel Original Series ‘Sonny With A Chance’. But that doesn’t mean the quote isn’t true. A few months have passed now since I started going to college and Demi was right, so far it has been pretty great. Living in a college dorm however, has been really interesting. For the most part I feel like I have adapted to this strange, hormone filled environment pretty well but other times It really comes in like a wrecking ball and surprises me with a new unpredictable twist. Here are some of the ‘twists’ that I wish I had known about over the summer so I would have had time to mentally prepare myself:


There is no such thing as a full nights sleep, only naps:


I have not had a full nights sleep since I started college. Now you might be thinking: “Poof! What are you thinking? Sleep is an essential part to being human!”




basically me.

Sorry I’m a little…tired. Basically I have been surviving off of naps. So. Many. Naps. And to my credit, sometimes I do get eight hours of sleep just not all at once.


People tell their life stories here really easily:


Up until this point in my life, I haven’t been comfortable talking about anything that I’ve gone through in my life. And I know I’m not the only one like that. Maybe its because we are living together, or because we are all starting this new chapter but everyone is more open in college. It’s refreshing, yet incredibly intimidating.




Similar to before, this one might be because we are all living together…




It’s gotten to the point where several people on my floor want to invest in a light up sign that just says ‘sexual tension’. If the sign is lit up, it gives fair warning to whoever is walking through that there is sexual tension in the air giving them an ample amount of time to run.


And run fast.


Relationships form really fast:


Whether these relationships are simply friendships or something more, they happen incredibly fast. One week you’ll be learning someones name and the next you will be asking them what they think the meaning of life is. Or you know, something else deep and profound that only people that are close talk about.


So tampons.


Yeah tampons.


For someone that went into ‘dorm life’ with little to no expectations, I’d say that it is fair that there are things that surprise me. And I’m sure that I’m going to encounter plenty of more interesting, or unpleasant things associated with dorm life. But for now, I’m just going to let things happen and enjoy the ride.



PS: I recently got my twitter back! To keep up with all of the current ‘poof problems’ click here and please follow @HeyPoofy! I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it?

Checkmate Society

A few weeks ago, Miley Cyrus released the music video for her new hit song “Wrecking Ball”. It was edgy, provocative, and she made out with a hammer a lot so that’s fun. The majority of people that I have heard talk about the video shame it saying it’s “gross” or “too much”.


you’re really not helping my case miley…

But I can’t help but love the video.

And this happens to me a lot. I look at something that is completely appalling to modern day society and think to myself “Wow, I really love this.” until all of a sudden society will abruptly turn around silencing me with it’s glassy eyed gaze. But it’s time to take a stand, and if it involves a little bit of shame well, you’re welcome. It’s 2013. Unpopular tastes can be more socially acceptable. For example…

Repeating the same outfit over and over again:

Coming from someone who just got out of high school I can not even begin to tell you how frustrating this is. If you are like me and you don’t have the perfect body, you aren’t a size zero, and you don’t have a lot of money purchasing clothes is not exactly your favorite activity. But, when you find that one outfit that you’re comfortable in and look confident and attractive in then why should you have to wear anything else? Don’t people WANT us to look good? Isn’t that socially acceptable?

Check mate society.

I’m a closet One Direction fan:

I really wish I didn’t have to use this example to make my point, but these are dark times. Yes, it is true, I am a closet One Direction fan. And I shouldn’t have to be. If I were to be aimlessly walking around and happen to hear “Best Song Ever” playing in the distance, I have the right as an American citizen to sing along if I ever so please.

So if you listen to Justin Bieber? Listen to him more!

If you listen to the High School Musical soundtrack? Good for you!

If you listen to Nickelback? …maybe you should keep that one to yourself.

Making a noise in public bathroom:

If I could own an endless supply of the book “Everybody Poops” I would never be happier in my life because for some reason, people don’t seem to understand this concept. Repeat after me everyone:

Shit. Happens.

And it’s not exactly a quiet process. In fact, if it is a quiet process for you, then that is really weird. If you are being loud, guess what you are doing it right.

So go live your life, show everyone what should be acceptable. Wear the same sweater two days in a row, listen to One Direction proudly in public, and don’t be afraid to make a little noise in the restroom.


I’m Not Dead I Promise

Hello everyone yes it’s true, I am in fact alive. I apologize for my absence these past few weeks, a part of me wishes I could tell you all that I have come down with some sort of terminal disease, or my dog ran away, or it had just hit me that it was the last season of How I Met Your Mother and I was simply mourning the loss of my five closest friends before the show ends in May, but in all honesty…

I really don’t have an excuse for my lack of blog posts.

I’ve just been really, REALLY busy. Not in a “ugh why is college a thing can i just not i hate everyone” kind of way just in a “i don’t remember clocks moving this fast” kind of way. It feels like every day that I am at college I have more things to do, and less time to do them.

But oddly enough, I really like it. I just don’t like not having the time to blog. In fact right now, I am sitting in a little cafe inside of our schools very impressive library typing my life away while waiting for my next lecture to start, sipping on a “fruit smoothie” that I found in one of the coolers.


probably the ingredients in my smootie

For the record, the label of this alleged “smoothie” says strawberry banana but in all honesty it tastes more like lost childhood dreams and pain.

Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know that one yes I am alive and two I will try to get back in the routine of posting weekly.

In fact! If I do not post a blog post this weekend, you all have the right to storm my castle (aka asbestos filled dorm room) and harass me until I write something that makes you chuckle.

Signing off,


Also! I just thought I would let you all know that I am now officially a published author! If you are interested in purchasing my published script titled “Single White Female” click here!